K100’s Community Pledge - K100

K100’s Community Pledge

K100’s Community Pledge is dedicated to supporting local organizations that make a difference in our community, and this month we are proud to focus on Pro Kids.

If you find it difficult to afford the sports, recreation, arts, or culture activity that your child wants to be involved with, P.R.O. Kids can help can pay the registration fees, up to $500, related to sports like hockey, soccer, baseball, swimming and football. They can also assist martial arts training, dance lessons, cheer leading, horseback riding, rock climbing, visual and creative artists, theatre arts, and music lessons.

Administrative costs are funded by the City of Saint John, Town of Rothesay, Town of Quispamsis, and the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield. This means that 100% of funds raised through events, donations, sponsorships and grants go directly to supporting youth throughout Greater Saint John.
To support P.R.O. Kids, go to givetoprokids.ca

Benjamin Moore in Quispamsis, Tim Somerville Team from Royal Lepage Atlantic; along with Saint John’s Perfect Music Mix, K100 are proud to recognize PRO KIDS for the contributions they have made to our community.

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