K100’s Community Pledge
This month’s K-100 Community Pledge organization is the Teen Resource Centre.
The TRC’s mission is to provide a safe and encouraging environment for youth
to explore their full potential by offering services and programs for youth
between the ages of 12-24.
All TRC programs empower youth to set and achieve higher goals for themselves.
Their Oasis program provides services for youth who are out of doors, couch surfing
or otherwise in need, providing them with food, hygiene products and shower or laundry facilities.
The TRC also provides an after-school drop-in open for ages 13 to 18 on weekdays after school from 3pm to 6:30pm.
A hot meal and space for youth to be themselves is provided.
Youth dropping in can also take advantage of the Pathways To Education program,
which offers free tutoring and mentorship for High School students in the Waterloo Village after school.
For more information or to donate to this vital local charity, please visit trc4youth.ca
Tim Somerville’s team from Royal LePage Atlantic, along with
Saint John’s Perfect Music Mix, K100 are proud sponsors of the Community Pledge.